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Sunday 16 March 2014

Why You Shouldn’t Be A People Pleaser

Its my lifePleasing people is probably holding you back from your dreams…
You know when you want to do something, but get a gut feeling that people in your life won’t like it? You end up not bothering because it’s not worth the hassle – even though you long to do it. We’ve all been there…
This can lead you to avoid things in life that would help you feel happy and fulfilled.
A well meaning friend may scoff your plan to quit your job to become a full-time internet marketer. “You’ll go mad at home all day.”
Erm no, YOU’LL go mad at home all day. I’m fine with this.
That’s a big problem pleasing people – they give advice based on what’s good for THEM, not you. We’re all different…
Many people can’t cope with working from home. They miss the traffic jams, the annoying bosses, and having to beg for a day off.
Not me. I love living life on MY terms. But I digress…
When you are a people pleaser, those around you get comfortable with this. They feel safe with your predictable and compliant nature. They’re reassured they can drag you to things THEY want to do – and you’ll always accept.
They like that you lead a life that enhances theirs, and naturally don’t want the party to stop. That’s why they get so upset when you want to do your own thing.
You want to quit your job? But how will you afford to watch me perform in my next play?
You HAVE to do what’s right for you – and that might be completely different to what’s right for anyone else. As long as you are not harming anyone, you owe it to your existence to go for it.
People often like to guide you based on their biased self interest. Look out for it and don’t let it happen. Yes you can listen to friends and families advice, but make up your own mind.
People will be shocked when you live life on your terms. They will complain, and pester you to get back on “the path” – their path.
Keep persisting. It’s your life not theirs. The more you persist, the stronger you become. You will get more used to living life on your terms, and so will they.
Eventually they will leave you alone. They will stop expecting you to be so compliant to their ideas. Given enough time they may compliment you for following your dreams. If they don’t then they don’t care much for you do they?
You must fight for your life – the life you want to lead. Don’t spend it helping someone else chase their dreams. Follow YOUR dreams.

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